Lynda Gray, member of the Tsimshian Nation from Lax Kw'alaams and Executive Director of the Urban Native Youth Association, will be celebrating the launch of her new book First Nations 101. First Nations 101 is an informative primer on the diverse and complex realities of First Nations people. This book touches on over 70 subjects including feminism, youth, urbanization, residential schools and more which provides readers with a better understanding of the shared history of First Nations and non-First Nations people. Copies of the book are available for $20.00 CAD at Lattimer Gallery.
The launch will commence on Monday, June 27, 2011 at Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre on 1607 East Hastings Street. The reception begins at 5:30pm and Lynda Gray will be signing copies of First Nations 101 from 7:45pm-8:00pm.
Joining Lynda will be Xalek/Sekyu Siyam/Chief Ian Campbell, Squamish Nation, Christine Smith, co-chair, Metro Vancouver Aboriginal Executive Council and Lak Kxeen Dance Group.
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