October 24, 2015

David Neel Native Artist

David Neel comes from a long line of artists. Iconic Kwakwaka'wakw carver Charlie James was his great-great-great grandfather and his great uncle was prolific totem pole carver Mungo Martin. In addition, his grandmother was Ellen Neel, the first professional full-time female First Nations artist in British Columbia.

David Neel Bukwus Mask at Lattimer Gallery

Lattimer Gallery has been carrying David's work for many years, and we facilitate custom orders with him on a regular basis. From masks to wedding bands to paintings on canvas, David possesses a diverse skill set.

David Neel 14k Gold Wedding Band
David was born in 1960 and he apprenticed with Beau Dick and Wayne Alfred between 1987 and 1989. In both 1987 and 1988, Neel earned the Mungo Martin Memorial Award. In 1991, Canada Council Explorations provided him with a grant for his Contemporary Mask Series. The Smithsonian Institution awarded him a Community Scholar Grant in 1992. His photography resulted in two books about Native culture: Our Chiefs and Elders in 1992 and The Great Canoes in 1995. Like some of his prints and masks, these also dealt with contemporary First Nations history.

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