June 19, 2009

'Continuum' Exhibition

We all went to the opening of the exciting Continuum: Vision and Creativity on the Northwest Coast exhibition last night at Vancouver's Bill Reid Gallery. This show - which features friends of the gallery Phil Gray, Dan Wallace, Ian Reid, Jay Simeon and Dean Hunt - presents some of the most progressive artists and artwork in BC right now. As the Bill Reid Gallery states:

Continuum sets out to examine and shift current dialogue and discussion, which addresses Aboriginal art on the Northwest Coast by exploring - through medium, style, design, market demand, and other areas - the connections and separations between traditional and contemporary practices.

This significant exhibition runs until January 31, 2010. Shown above is Shawn Hunt's painting titled Trickster, an intriguing fusion of Bill Reid's famous Raven and First Man sculpture and the iconic work of Andy Warhol.

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