August 7, 2010

The Totem Pole - Exhaustive New Book

Long-time curator Aldona Jonaitis and researcher Aaron Glass have teamed up to produce a dense, thorough examination of the Northwest Coast totem pole. This new book is titled The Totem Pole: An Intercultural History. At 344 pages, and containing sections with titles such as 'Contemporary Cultural Tourism and Ethnokitsch', this publication is academic in nature and is not recommended for the Northwest Coast art novice. It is, however, a wonderful resource for those familiar with and interested in this iconic cultural creation. It is available from Lattimer Gallery.

Here is the description from the dustjacket: "The totem pole is immensely important to Northwest Coast people while holding a place in popular culture from fashion to the funny pages. This book describes and pictures its place since Europeans first arrived on the scene, its spread from the Northwest Coast to World's Fairs and global theme parks, and the part these carvings have played in Native struggles for control of their cultures and their lands."

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