April 2, 2011

Objects of Exchange - Exhibition at the BGC in NYC

Aaron Glass has curated an exhibition titled 'Objects of Exchange: Social and Material Transformation on the Late Nineteenth-Century Northwest Coast' at the Bard Graduate Center. The Bard Graduate Center of Decorative Arts, Design History, Material Culture is a graduate institute affiliated with Bard College that opened in New York City in 1993.

This exhibition features thirty-seven objects from the American Museum of Natural History and "examines the material culture of the period for visual evidence of historical flux and shifting social relations within Native groups as well as between them and the surrounding settler nations of Canada and the United States".

After receiving his BFA from Emily Carr University of Art + Design, his MA from Vancouver's University of British Columbia, and his PhD from New York University, Aaron became Assistant Professor at the Bard. It runs at the BGC in New York until April 17th, 2011.

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