April 9, 2011

Honouring Chief Edward John's Lifetime Achievements

On April 7, Aboriginal HIPPY Canada's (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) Annual Gala honoured Grand Chief Edward John, recognizing his lifetime achievements. Edward John has most recently been appointed as the North American Representative to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), a position which he will fill for a three-year term (2011-2013). Chief John's accomplishments regarding his dedication and service to Indigenous communities include: lawyer, BC Cabinet Minister, First Nations Summit Task Group Member, founding member of both the Yinka Dene Language Institute and University of Northern British Columbia and Chairman of the Board of Tanizul Timber and Teeslee Forest Products. Chief Edward John's involvement and support for Indigenous social and economic issues is evident through these critical roles in politics, business and service.

This year, 2011, marks HIPPY Canada's eleventh anniversary and HIPPY Aboriginal Canada's second anniversary. Last year, Aboriginal HIPPY Canada honoured the lifetime achievements of Chief Leonard George, Tsleil-Waututh Nation, at the Chief Joe Mathias Centre in North Vancouver.

Lattimer Gallery is pleased to announce the accomplishments of Grand Chief Edward John and is excited to become involved with HIPPY Aboriginal Canada in the future!



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